Ship Repair Yard NAUTA S.A is certified by:

Polish Registry of Shipping

ABS Quality Evaluations

CCJ – Military University of Technology Quality Certification Center
PRS ISO 9001:2015, 14001:2015, 45001:2018 nauta_cert_PRS-EN_2024.pdf – 446.07 KB
ABS 9001:2015 Certificate nauta_cert_ABS_NAUTA-34876_2024.pdf – 289.11 KB
Company Politicies
The NAUTA S. A. shipyard is an enterprise conducting business activity entailing the design, refurbishment, reconstruction and construction of seagoing structures.
The mission of the Company is to strengthen its market position as a reliable partner in the construction of our high-quality products and services, the satisfaction of our Customers – by fulfilling their requirements and expectations that are the priorities of the work of our employees, while continuously improving our Occupational Health and Safety levels including particular attention to the environment.
In course of implementation of these objectives, we constantly improve the efficiency of the Integrated Management System, which complies with the valid standards of management of quality, occupational health and safety, the environment and the AQAP 2110.
In course of our operations, we:
- continuously improve Customer service through understanding and fulfilment of expectations,
- provide top quality products and services in line with Customer requirements,
- improve our technical process quality levels and implement innovative solutions,
- utilise the process approach based on risk assessment and utilisation of emerging opportunities,
- act responsibly towards the environment and regularly develop and improve partner relations with interested parties,
- treat safety, human health and the environment as our top priorities.
Our obligations:
- to offer our Customers top quality products and services along with respect for the interests of the Shipyard,
- to maintain partner relations with interested Parties,
- to respect applicable laws as well as other requirements governing the operations of the Company,
- to consult and ensure participation of employees in the development of safe working conditions and protection of the environment,
- to prevent work accidents, occupational illnesses, breakdowns and to identify risks and eliminate work environment hazards, and to undertake actions aimed at health protection,
- to support professional development and create favourable conditions for the improvement of employee qualifications,
- to protect the environment, and to reduce harmful environmental influences and to establish ecological awareness among employees and external suppliers,
- to constantly improve the Integrated Management System in all areas of operation of the Shiprepair Yard NAUTA S. A.
The guarantee of implementation of the policy is the common awareness that responsibility for top quality, the environment and work safety lies with every employee, irrespective of their position.
The Company board declares support for activities stemming from the present Policy and ensures resources for the achievement of the described objectives and tasks.
Gdynia, Poland, November 2021
The Management Board of NAUTA S.A. Shiprepair Yard aware of the responsibility for building a work environment free from any manifestations of abuse or mobbing, detecting and preventing abuse and minimizing their negative effects, establishes this Policy in accordance with applicable external regulations::
- It is the responsibility of every employee to act in accordance with professional ethics and not to allow any fraud, which may be financial, material or immaterial. Each employee is obliged to comply with external and internal legal requirements;
- Each Head of an Organizational Unit, as a person influencing the formation of the desired ethical culture, should be particularly sensitive and alert to any manifestations of irregularities, the occurrence of unusual events and violations of the adopted rules of conduct in the area for which he is responsible;
- Each employee is obliged to report directly or through his supervisor in justified cases, any suspicions of an abuse or the occurrence of abusive events committed both by the management, employees or external suppliers or other entities associated with „Nauta” S.A. Shiprepair Yard;
- Reporting abusive information may be made anonymously and employees who report in good faith are protected from all form of retaliation;
- An employee who is subject to mobbing has the right to demand that the Employer takes action to eliminate inappropriate behavior. The employee’s exercise of the above right does not exclude the employee’s right to seek legal protection under applicable law;
- Employees are obliged to counteract the use of mobbing by the other persons, and in case they have information proving its use, to submit a written or oral complaint (Report);
- Safe and effective notification of fraud or mobbing cases can also be done through one of the following channels:
- reporting any abuse activity over the phone: 58 621-21-07
- sending a message to the following address:
- reporting any mobbing activity over the phones: 58 621-24-30; 58 621-24-08
- sending a message to the following address:
- sending a letter to the following address: S.R.”Nauta”, ul. Budowniczych 10, 81-336 Gdynia
In the event of a confirmed abuse or mobbing, the Management Board of the Shipyard is obliged to take appropriate disciplinary measures, as well as to protect against the occurrence of similar cases in the future.
Responsibility for building a working environment free from any manifestations of abuse or mobbing, detecting and preventing them and minimizing their negative effects lies with the Shipyard Management Board and each Manager of the Shipyard’s Organizational Unit, Employees and External Suppliers.
Gdynia, November 2022
Management Board of NAUTA S.A. Shipyard declares that ensuring a safe and healthy working environment is one of the primary objectives of the Shipyard, influencing its continuous development.
Management Board of NAUTA S.A. Shipyard undertakes to observe and shape safe working conditions among employees, external suppliers and all persons staying on the premises of the Shipyard.
The consumption of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substances poses a threat both to the person under their influence and to others.
For this purpose, the Shipyard Management introduces the following rules prohibiting:
- being under the influence of alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substances;
- drinking alcohol and taking drugs or other intoxicating substances;
- bringing and distributing alcohol, drugs or other intoxicating substances.
Failure to comply with the above-mentioned principles by our employees, external suppliers and visitors is a gross violation of the basic principles and obligations of a safe and healthy working environment, resulting in immediate removal from the Shipyard area and taking disciplinary action in accordance with the Labor Code or provisions of cooperation agreements.
Organizational Cell Managers are required to familiarize all employees with this Policy.
The Management Board of the Shipyard undertakes to ensure appropriate resources for the implementation of the Alcohol and Drug Policy, as well as to control and comply with it.
Gdynia, March 2022